An all-in-one system that distributes your
leads and collects payments in real-time.

✔ No Monthly Fees
✔ Fully integrates with all CRM systems
✔ Typeform – WordPress – JotForm
✔ Simple set up. No Credit Card.


See if you qualify for free set up and lead generation advice

No longer have to send your leads and wait for payments. With Zapalead, you can charge your client’s credit card before they receive your leads. Zapalead is a world-first system integrated with all of the leading CRM systems. To distribute your leads, there are three main methods. You can send all salespeople the lead notification simultaneously via SMS and email, with the first to hit accept wins.
You may want to prioritise your top lead buyers; you can give your top lead buyers preference by staggering the leads over time so your top buyers get the opportunities first. And last, of all, you can send all lead information upfront to the salesperson; in this case, Zapalead will check their credit card, process the payment, and then send the lead to the salesperson; this way, all lead information is sent upfront to the salesperson. In case your client disputes the lead, Zapalead comes with an inbuilt lead query system that is available.
We offer a free trial so you can see the value. You don’t have to pay monthly fees because we don’t charge any. We only get paid when you do! Get started now!

The main functions of Zapalead

LARGE LEAD BUYERS: The ability to send leads to your clients based on set ratios via email and SMS notifications which collects payment from your clients’ credit card ‘before’ the lead is delivered. If the transaction fails, the lead moves to a second buyer; or holds the information till the credit card is validated. Great for those who sell leads to a single or multiple clients in the same niche.

DISTRIBUTING LEADS TO SALES AGENTS: The ability to send leads directly to sales agents simultaneously via SMS and email. Zapaleads will hide certain fields, only displaying an ‘overview’ of the opportunity to get them interested. Once the salesperson views the lead, they have 60 seconds to decide; during this time, they block out the opportunity till they sign and press BUY NOW. The system then validates their credit card and automatically sends the SMS and email of the complete lead information instantly. Great for any businesses with salespeople on the commission that want to liquidate their marketing costs, e.g., Real Estate, Insurance Agents or Mortgage Advisers.

Both options have inbuilt reporting and efficiently manage invalid leads via credit or refunds. All funds are paid directly to you via stripe, including inbuilt SMS features and customizable landing pages for clients to sign up with. No programming requires.


How can I sell and distribute my leads?

Zapalead has three main functions for your business. You may be selling leads to other users as part of your lead generation business, or you may have sales business and want to monetize your sales enquiry opportunities to your sales team.

Distribute and receive payments for your leads



You sell leads to a small number of buyers. These buyers of your leads buy leads regularly. If so, then this option is for you. You can set the ratio of leads to each user; some may want more than others, and you can direct the flow of leads to each buyer. Each time a lead is sent, Zapalead will check their credit card, take payment then supply the lead. The system will automatically pass it on to the next person without any hassles on your end. If the lead payment fails with any salesperson or agent, all leads will be placed on hold till the agent/salesperson fixes their credit card payment. The agent/salesperson can also request a review of the lead via a dispute which you can either accept and apply for a credit or refund.

Note: This method checks the recipient’s credit card is valid. Upon payment will release all the lead information at once. This option works well if you sell multiple leads to more than one client in the same niche.


2: SNATCH it:

Sell your leads via Snatch it is like throwing a single slice of bread in the air to a flock of seagulls; the first to ‘snatch it gets it. An SMS message and email are sent to all your salespeople at the same time. The first to accept the lead wins!
Because the lead is sent to all your salespeople at the same time, only partial lead information is shown, giving the recipient enough information to decide. As the lead seller, you get to place a timer in which the salesperson must decide if they want to buy the lead. Generally, we give them 60 seconds. If the lead is invalid, the user has an opportunity to query the leads with you, and it’s up to you whether you issue a credit or refund.

Note: This option is best for those who want to sell leads directly to salespeople. Zapalead allows you to hide most of the lead information and only releases the full details once the credit card transaction is approved. Simmultanly the lead is sent via SMS and email to the salesperson and the money is paid directly to you via Stripe.


3: Top Performer:

This is a great way to sell and distribute leads to an existing sales team. Zapalead will always send the opportunity to the salesperson that has bought the most leads. Then it will step down by the allocated time frame you have set, which can be anything from 1 minute to 24 hrs. This system only sends out partial lead information until the lead is bought. The salesperson can dispute leads, and you have the option to issue a credit or refund.

Note: This option is best for those who want to sell leads directly to salespeople. Zapalead allows you to hide most of the lead information and only releases the full details once the credit card transaction is approved. Simmultanly the lead is sent via SMS and email to the salesperson and the money is paid directly to you via Stripe.

Lead Management Software

For those who want the flexibility of lead distribution and being able to sell your sales leads in real-time. No IT heavy lifting. Simple set up and easy onboarding sign up for all sales agents and lead buyers. Zapalead connects with all your main CRM systems, allows your sales team or lead buyers total control of the leads you send them.


Distribute your leads

Distribute leads

Distribute & Sell Your leads

Set up in 10 minutes

Distribute leads by Preference

Connect to your CRM

Enter leads manually for distribution

Prebuild Opt-in pages

Set your own parameters.

API Connection

Cloud - Distribution of leads
Cloud - Sell Leads to Your Sales Team
mv-lead1 bottom

Sell your leads to clients

View disputed leads

Set how you want leads distributed

Send leads via text

Issue credits for sold lead

Simple fast set up

See if you qualify for free set up and lead generation advice


If you would like to talk with us set up a time. Please ensure you have all the information on how you want to distribute leads, who you want to distribute your leads too and if you want to sell them, how you want to sell leads eg: via credit card or debit.


What is zapalead

Zapaleads’ primary function is collecting payments for your leads. It’s simple to use and integrates with all the leading CRM systems. Each agent you send leads to has its unique portal to see the leads you send them, plus you can monitor the leads that have been declined or queried. Leads can be sent by email or SMS. The power behind Zapalead is that you can sell your leads in real-time via payment from your client’s credit card.



If you’re having an issue with salespeople wanting a fair way to distribute leads, then Zapalead can automate the process. We use three distribution methods and can send the leads via SMS or EMAIL. Plus, you can also sell leads.

How does the lead get into Zapalead?

Inside Zapalead, there are three ways to input your lead data.

1: we have simple pre-built landing pages you can use to collect leads from your website

2: You may want your leads to be added to Zapalead manually. This option is great for reception or call centres.

3: When a lead comes in via your CRM (HubSpot, Active Campaign, Pipedrive etc.), it uses a simple webhook, so you don’t have to do any programming. The webhook, a simple line of code (copy and paste), will take the information from your CRM and place it into Zapalead for distribution leaving all the CRM data alone. Then Zapalead takes care of lead distribution, and your agent gets to see their leads inside their Zapalead portal. Remember, Zapalead is about lead distribution only; it’s not a CRM system.

How do I Sell my leads?

Zapalead has a simple landing page that you can customise to enable your agents and clients to sign up. This sets up your client and allocates them to a password-protected portal. Inside the portal, your clients self administrate their requirements. Each client can see their lead information, query any invalid leads, and turn the leads on or off, saving you a lot of administration time.

How do I control my leads?

The admin portal allows you to connect with your existing CRM or use our custom-built landing pages. If you have a CRM, we use a simple webhook to transfer the information to Zapalead. You can see all the clients or agents, and if you’re selling leads, this is where you dispute invalid leads. You also get to select how you want your leads distributed. And it’s where you can set up your sign-up portal for clients or agents to receive leads. The sign-up page for those who wish to sell leads has the option to collect credit card information, or you may want to set up prepay options. The choice is yours.


Our pricing is based on zero costs upfront and a share in your success.

Our Vision, is; YOUR SUCCESS.

We have been in lead generation since 2009 and supplied leads to over 1,000 sales people. We purpose of ZAPAlead was to design a system that removes the 10 years of pain that we found in distributing and selling leads.

ZAPALead is a one stop shop which has all the features any sales company wants to send leads to their sales team or a company, digital marketer that want to be abel to send leads, and sell them – much like what we did for the last ten years.


If you want to see our background and how we started you view our site here flymehigh.com – even today we use the same systems that ZAPAlead was bourn from and produced over $100,000 per month in sales revenue using these exact same functions that you can use without the hight IT infrastructure costs.

Remember our system has its own landing pages, links with all the main CRM systems such as HubSpot, Active Campaign, Mail Chimp and Salesforce. Plus, we offer a free onboarding process to make the whole process seamless.


We provide you with a custom landing page in which your client provides all the relevant information.
Depending on how you want to sell your leads, they will either provide their credit card details or pay you upfront, and the system will allocate the credits/leads inside their portal.

Zapalead was founded by John McCarthy, who has been in lead generation for over ten years. During that time he found the biggest issue with lead generation was the ability to bill clients in real-time via automations. He grew his lead business from $5,000 per month to a mega system that has over $1,000,000 in revenue per year. That’s a lot of leads!

To do this, he developed his own back end lead billing system, adding to this preferential lead allocation and allowing speed and ease of purchase via mobile phone.  This one simple system allows lead sellers to incorporate lead selling within their existing CRM systems capable of including a webhook.

John’s site can be found here www.flymehigh.com